What to NOT Donate
Below are some items on our what to NOT Donate list.

We appreciate the thought!
We rely on the generosity of the communities we serve, but there are some donations we are unable to accept due to costs, safety, or law.
The following types of donations are items we are unable to accept:
- Car seats
- Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) televisions and/or computer monitors
- Certain building materials
- Furnaces
- Hazardous waste (like chemicals, paint, solvents, insecticides, flammables, etc.)
- Hot water tanks
- Infant cribs
- Mattresses
- Old or non-working electronics
- Refrigerators
- Tires
- Toilets
- Umbrella style strollers
You can trust that our donors can tell the difference between trash and gently used items with real potential. Please, before you donate, sort out the broken, beat-up, soiled, and stained items.